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Can't aim in third person, switches to ironsights every time.


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Hello all. So all of a sudden in my game, If I'm in third person and try to aim my weapon, the camera switches automatically to first person ironsights view (what's really odd is that the cross-hairs still remain). It started doing this after (oddly enough) I downloaded Cinematech, Enhanced Shaders and The Imaginator. I thought it was odd that these three mods, of all things, would cause this, but I uninstalled them and the problem still occurs. I rarely ever, if never, engage in combat in third person, but I'd still like to have the option open, so this is a bit annoying. Does anyone know what could be causing this or how to fix it? Any help would be appreciated.


p.s. I'm also using joefoxx's weapon animation replacers if that makes any difference, but that seemed to be running fine for a good long while without causing problems.


DISREGARD: I figured out what the problem was. I had to re-install Powered Power Armor to fix some stuff with immersive hud and I forgot to re-install the hotfix that corrects the problem I mentioned. So it was powered power armor causing the problem. God knows why.

Edited by roboroller
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