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Skill to weapon spread ratio


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Ok so here's what I want to do; Change the spread rate of ranged weapons dependent on skill (guns, energy weapons etc).


At the moment the spread rate seems to max out when your skill hits 40, no matter how much I mess with the game setting "gunskillspreadbase" or "gunskillspreadmult" they seem to make no difference at all.


How do I alter this ratio so skills beyond 40 still affect spread, is there a way to mess with the base skills?

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Sorry to double post, but i had an idea..


If I were to say make a perk that sets your spread rate to say 2.0 (200%) if you are between 1-10 guns\energy weapons skill then went to 1.8 (180%) at 11-20 skill etc.

I could theoretically link that perk to a quest or script right?

Would this work?

If so, what would I need to link it to? a quest or script or both? And does anyone have examples of similar scripts etc?

Also this NEEDS to be global (effect npcs as well)


Thanks in advance for any solutions.

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