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Stymied trying to get to Triss

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I've been banging my head against a wall all day with this one.....trying to get into the Kedwani camp. First off I tried sneaking through the camp (the eastern route near the Visionary) and was repeatedly turned into a pin-cushion. So after the 5th re-load (made a manual save just after talking to Roche) I tried via the whorehouse (tent). Things were going fine through the tunnels, EXCEPT...


1. The first large chamber you enter has 3 doors, 1 you came through, 1 that unlocks and a third that needs a key. (haven't found that)


2 . Dropping into the lower tunnels via the door that unlocks leaves you with no alternative but to carry on, as I haven't found any way of returning to the 3 door chamber....(how were the soldiers meant to get to the hookers anyway????)


3. All exits from the caverns lead to the beach, the first enables you to sneak up to the palisade gates which are locked, the others seem to lead nowhere.


There is a section of cave where you have to jump a chasm and then fight a Golem, where you can see a ladder leading upwards from a higher level, as yet I've had no luck in locating any way of getting to it, tried smashing thing up with Aard to see if that would release a route, but to no avail, I would assume that this ladder would lead into the camp. The best guess is that it might be reachable from the locked door in the first chamber, but there is no way that I can find to either return or to lay my grubby little mitts on the key.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Got through this part yesterday after about 4 hours and maybe 70 reloads...although i finally snuck through the Kaedweni camp...hope Geralt don`t hold grudges after being turned into a pin cushion that many times :laugh:

I finally crossed to the wall on the left (same side as the canteen) and followed the wall and tents as much as i could you will need to stun about 5-6 guards and for pete`s sake use Axii on the cook as soon as he says "don`t hurt me master" go up to him and use Axii . The gate you seek is all the way through the camp on the left and if i remember right the cook is the last obstacle before reaching it . :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've taken the cave route before, just have to keep going past everything, you'll reach a point where you can't go any more, this will lead you out onto the beach and into the camp. If all else fails, look at your map by pressing M.
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Yep, sorted, for some reason the soldier failed to appear on the beach which left me stuck, going back to an earlier save and retracing my route through the cave seemed to fix it as I was arrested.
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