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  blackrogue24 said:
Is there a mod out there that makes Umaril's sword a one-handed sword?


How about a mod that has a spell that converts two-handed weapons into one-handed weapons?



hoykl crap dude r u serious? no it is not possible to have a spell like that, at least it would be a pain in the ass to make. And no u cant make it a 1h, becuase the mesh for it is made as a 2h, and the grab areas are for 2h, u may reclassify it if u wish with construction, but then the sword would be invisible and u wouldnt see it at all. Basically ur screwed. sorry

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hoykl crap dude r u serious? no it is not possible to have a spell like that, at least it would be a pain in the ass to make. And no u cant make it a 1h, becuase the mesh for it is made as a 2h, and the grab areas are for 2h, u may reclassify it if u wish with construction, but then the sword would be invisible and u wouldnt see it at all. Basically ur screwed. sorry


Don't listen to him. Its completely possible. And it won't screw up. The spell might be harder, but not difficult.

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  Sypron said:
hoykl crap dude r u serious? no it is not possible to have a spell like that, at least it would be a pain in the ass to make. And no u cant make it a 1h, becuase the mesh for it is made as a 2h, and the grab areas are for 2h, u may reclassify it if u wish with construction, but then the sword would be invisible and u wouldnt see it at all. Basically ur screwed. sorry


Don't listen to him. Its completely possible. And it won't screw up. The spell might be harder, but not difficult.

Hard doesn't describe it... Basically what you would need to do is recreate a 1hand version (same model with different linkings and new .nif name, easy to do when it's one) for every 2 hand sword (time consuming, but not very hard). Then you would need a spell which would have to check what the player currently has equipped against a list of the 50 or so standard 2hand swords individually, and based on that script remove that weapon from the player and add the 1hand version. To make the spell switch them back, you would need to do the oppisite. However the script wouldn't work on any weapons which were added as part of a mod (as in official mods) since the reference foe that item type wouldn't register, or any weapons which have been enchanted... It would also reset any existing signs of use on that weapon (durability, drained enchantment) any time it was used. Additionally, such a spell script would likely cause moderate performance loss every time it was used since it would have to perform all those checks at once. It wouldn't be hard so much as time consuming, and really not much use in the long run. Most people who want to hold a 2hand weapon in 1hand would just stick to one or two types, and could just mod it that way.


As for the OP, ANY content which exists within the official mods cannot be legally shared if that content doesn't absolutly require that mod to have been purchased and active. As converting the 2 hand weapon to 1 hand would require a new .nif and the distribution of that .nif without any of the dependancies on the official mods, it cannot be shared. However, you could probably do that part yourself.


You'll be limited to just having it placed somewhere in the world for you to pick up (unless you want to edit the KotN mod and do some scripting) but you'll be able to have 2, one 2 handed version, and one 1 handed version.

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If he only wants it done to one sword then it wouldn't be a problem would it? And he never mentioned releasing it. Look what I put together in a few seconds.




It wasn't that hard.

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  Sypron said:
If he only wants it done to one sword then it wouldn't be a problem would it? And he never mentioned releasing it. Look what I put together in a few seconds.


It wasn't that hard.

It really only becomes a problem when you want some sort of script to swap out one for the other, when you want multiple weapons to be swappable. With 1 weapon, it's not really an issue as long as you can control the swapping method without adding scripts to the weapons. With 50+ weapons, it becomes a conditional nightmare. This is because that script would have to check what the player is currently wielding against everything else individually, the larger that list is, the more complicated the script gets, the more likely that script will cause a momentary lockup while it goes through that list. Additionally, since we're talking about a weapon from a mod, that script would also have to be contained within that one mod, where 2 or more mods are needed, the script will only work for that one.

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  • 1 month later...
  blackrogue24 said:
Does anyone know how to make a two-handed weapon into a one-handed weapon? If so, please tell me how to do this.

Well, I know how but the way I do it is pretty difficult to explain. It would be a lot easier if I just did it for you. If you can find it a way to send the nif and textures for the sword I'd do it ;).

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