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Horses and Vehicles


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OK, in Elder Scrolls Oblivion you can have horses I think. So why can´t we have the same in Fallout?


I´d like to add horses and vehicles to the game. How cool would it be to ride around wasteland on horseback or in a HUMWEE or rumble around with a tank. Of course providing fuel for the vehicles would be a major challenge. Horses eat grass so they don´t need fuel, so most people would go on horseback. There would have course be the option of using your horse or vehicle as a stash for items, so you don´t have to carry all of it around and also there could be the option of mounting heavy weapons like machine guns on HUMWEES etc.


So, my question is this: Can this be done?




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Answer is, Yes. Seeing as Oblivion uses the same engine its possible. I would love to be ridin about on a horse, like in all roads.


Also this motorbike mod was made for Fo3, It could be replicated for NV, -


the creator says you can "Clone, copy, spread, mutate, merge, and do whatever you want just as long you give me (and the other guys) credit for our hard work."


Heres a link




Might give me something to do for a while.

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Excellent, so we CAN have vehicles etc. Already we have had Vertibirds for the Enclave in FO3, but how cool would it be to fly around in a helicopter or drive around in a car? We would need bigger maps to have space to roam with all the vehicles.
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Seeing as Oblivion uses the same engine its possible


Not really. The base engine was modified for each game. Even though Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas spawned from the same engine, they have differences. Check this link

Now... If you check the titles that were developed with the Gameryo engine, you'll notice they obviously span quite a big game genre. And they do not look alike at all. There are some hardcoded functions that cannot be accessed with SDKs. So, to answer your question... It *might* be possible, but unlikely. Havok can also be a bit quirky when it comes to collision detection. While the mods showcasing vehicles are indeed a piece of marvelous work, they're far from perfect.

Edited by Aellyth
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Not savvy on Gamebyro, but I do know about game engines to an extent. It's as Aellyth said: the developer doesn't simply leave the game engine alone during development, they usually extend or change functionality to suit the finished product. Oblivion is a wildly different finished product than Fallout. Yes, it's more likely that it could happen since they share the same engine, but not a guarantee.


However, I've seen a jetpack mod and the aforementioned motorcycle mod, though both of those are really just items with custom animations scripted in as I understand it... I doubt Oblivion handled horses that way.

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There is no mount code left in Fallout 3 or New Vegas.


Modders have simulated it by scripting a player to use a custom animation with a piece of furniture or "pants" and adjusting the player's runspeed.


The engines are not the same. They modified, added, and removed things for each game.


That said, the link above does work decently. I kind of wish it had gas-usage and maintainence, though.

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