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Camo raincoat/poncho & no SPECIAL cap


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I would like a kind modder to add a camo raincoat/poncho to the game. It only makes sense to want protection from the rain, realistically speaking. With the new survival mode coming, it could ACTUALLY protect you from the rain. It should be worn over the armor and hat without having to unequip them. It's hard to be sneaky with my huge white and shiny golden sea captain's hat!




Opened/closed, covers hat and head/no head cover. Personally I would prefer it to go over the hat and be closed. It should end above the boots but under the knees.



Military fatigues style/army fatigues style/new urban camo style? Maybe just modification to the actual fatigues to make it appear as though they have a poncho over them instead of creating a new item+slot.



Compatibility with backpack mods? Not very important, backpacks can be waterproof.





I would also like it for someone to remove the hard cap on S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats so able able to keep upgrading my stats past level 264 (I'm going for a max level run).


Thank you for your time.

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