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Atomic Settlements


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I don't really think I'll see anyone do this, more of a 'Wouldn't this be cool' thread, but.

The general idea of the pack would be to enable a player to create a 'Church of Atom' themed settlement and bring enlightenment through division to the wasteland with their blessed Mini Nukes. Eventually, with the release of GECK, it could incorporate such things as turning the Crater of Atom in the Glowing Sea into a functional settlement (Still won't be able to sleep or wait in the rads, but why would you want to when you could bask in Atom's glow instead?) dynamically ghoulify settlers over time (They go from human, to ghoulrace to feral, to glowing one, and so on. If one of your settlers isn't ghoulifying over time, that's probably a pretty good indication you should Synthcheck. Also, they should lose rads over time spent not exposed, at a fast enough rate that your settler won't end up ghouling out en mass from intermittent radstorms, but will if you place radzone emitting objects around the settlement.) and a custom Confessor job that you can assign settlers to, that mitigates the happiness loss of feral ghoul/ghoulified settlers being present in the settlement, and stands at a podium preaching during the day.

- Feral Ghoul Settlers

Recruitable through some means other then settlement beacons to keep them separate from normal settlers, but set up, like the Automaton robots, as functional settlers that can be assigned to do jobs, guard or patrol, ect. Including glowing ones, and other variants. Obviously with factions set up so they're non-hostile to the player, companions, and other settlers.

- Placeable Radflora

Placeable brain fungus and glowing mushrooms. Horizontal and Vertical versions for the brain fungus, enabling it to be placed on walls. Possibly two versions of each, one that functions as a harvestable crop, and another that functions as if it were a light, with a decent-sized green glow.

- Radioactive set dressing

Pools of radioactive sludge, radioactive barrels, generally just decorative items that you'd expect to find in heavily irradiated zones.

- Religious set dressing

Crosses, lecturns, pews, altars, ect.

- Placeable and movable radzones.

No idea if this is even possible, but if it is: Radioactive zones of different sizes and intensities, attached to a small 'Radiation Hazard' signpost or some other low-impact but appropriate and easily concealed model. Picking up and moving the sign moves the radzone with it.

- Custom Minuteman Artillery style weapon - Atom's Glow

Similar to the minuteman artillery, but with it's own custom signal grenade, and can only be used near settlements that have a confessor assigned to a podium. Changes the weather to a radstorm and causes humanoid enemies killed in the area during it's duration to resurrect as allied ferals to assist you. May also cause the confessor to unleash an epic sermon on the radio channel you have to be tuned into to use it. (And every eye shall be blind with his glory! Every ear shall be stricken deaf to hear the thunder of his voice!)

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I would absolutely love to this, and I suspect it may be easier to achieve after the Far Harbor expansion is released! I would really be interested in seeing a sort of "conversion chamber," something that you can "assign" a human settler to and they'll be blasted with copious amounts of radiation. They would become a Child of Atom, and often a Ghoul.

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I would absolutely love to this, and I suspect it may be easier to achieve after the Far Harbor expansion is released! I would really be interested in seeing a sort of "conversion chamber," something that you can "assign" a human settler to and they'll be blasted with copious amounts of radiation. They would become a Child of Atom, and often a Ghoul.

Confession Chamber.


You go in and confess your sins. If you get turned into a ghoul, it means Atom has forgiven you. If you do not get turned into a ghoul, Atom has given you pennance, and you must atone for your crimes against him by bringing his light to others. If you die, it means Atom has deemed you unworthy. :D

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