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[Automatron spoilers] Make us WORK for our prize!


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Every time you kill one of the Mechanists' robots, they drop a random robot part or mod, which made fighting them really exciting and rewarding. It was like an easter egg hunt! But the end of the Automatron quest "Restoring Order", all the robot mods become available. It was fun at first, but it's a little underwhelming. Other than for basic components, why would I want to hunt for rogue robots in the radiant quests?


So I propose this mod: turn off the "all mods are now available" prize at the end of the questline. Maybe show a little checklist or something of all the part schematics we have yet to find so we can keep track, if that's possible.

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On top of this, I'd really like to see more respawning Rust Devil bases. They were incredibly fun to fight for me, and the fact that they more or less drop off the face of the planet after a single dungeon really disappointed me.

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maybe seperating out crafting the components into a more specialized station. adding in specialized components that have to be salvaged from enemy robots for the more advanced and powerful parts.


adding in a rotation of rust devils to the normal raider settlements if thats possible.

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