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NEED HELP: Can't Figure out hot to enable parent for trigger trap


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im makin a mod, alyied set, and i have alot of traps. But i cant firgure out how to make the dart, or anyother trap, the parent of the pressure plate, which is scripted to activate the parent. PLEASE HELP! I've tried select parent from window, but all it does is allow me to make the door, a dead guy or a daedra the parent, not the trap. I've even tried from referance window but nothing works. PLEASE HELP ME I NEED THESE TRAPS TO WORK!! WAAHAHHAHAHAHA.



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im makin a mod, alyied set, and i have alot of traps. But i cant firgure out how to make the dart, or anyother trap, the parent of the pressure plate, which is scripted to activate the parent. PLEASE HELP! I've tried select parent from window, but all it does is allow me to make the door, a dead guy or a daedra the parent, not the trap. I've even tried from referance window but nothing works. PLEASE HELP ME I NEED THESE TRAPS TO WORK!! WAAHAHHAHAHAHA.



Is the trap a persistant, named reference?

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its a dart trap, it will repeat when a 5 second delay thing happens. N e way i cant figure i out! plz help. here is the entire script for the darts (already in game) so plz tell me how to work it.

scn RFTrapDarts01SCRIPT


float timer

short next

short activated

ref mySelf

ref myParent


float fTrapDamage

float fTrapPushBack

float fTrapMinVelocity

float fLevelledDamage

short bTrapContinuous


begin onActivate


if activated == 0

set myParent to getParentRef

set mySelf to getSelf

set activated to 1



if isActionRef player == 0 && isActionRef mySelf == 0


; set up the damage values

set fTrapDamage to 5

set fLevelledDamage to 1

set fTrapPushBack to 0

set fTrapMinVelocity to 20

set bTrapContinuous to 1


set timer to 2

set next to 1


playgroup forward 1






begin gameMode



if next == 1 && timer <= 1.5

set mySelf to getSelf

set myParent to getParentRef

myParent.activate mySelf 1

set next to 0



;reset for next time

if timer <= 0 && activated == 1

set fTrapDamage to 0

set fLevelledDamage to 0

set activated to 0



if timer > 0

set timer to timer - getSecondsPassed










and here is the pressure plate script.

scn ARTrigPressurePlateRESET01SCRIPT


; Activates trap linked as Parent


short activated

float timer

ref target

ref mySelf


begin gameMode


if activated == 0

if getDistance player < 60

set target to getParentRef

set mySelf to getSelf

target.activate mySelf 1

set activated to 1

set timer to 5

playgroup forward 0






begin gameMode


if activated == 1 && timer <= 0

set activated to 0



if timer > 0

set timer to timer - getSecondsPassed





begin onReset



set activated to 0



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And here we go again...

You asked how to parent the trap... This isn't done through scripting but at the actial reference placed in the world. You said that the trap or the pressureplate don't show up in that list when you try to parent them, this may be because one or the other is not a persistant, named reference. Or it is because you are using a pressure plate instead of a trigger zone (like those used in dozens of other places). You may wish to look at how it's setup in one of those places to see if you can set it up similarly in your cell.

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lol, proly a good idea. Thanks, i know its not part of scripting there but im just so BLEH the last few days rofl. I just cant think clearly and do the obvious, thanks
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