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Load order problems


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Hi once again!


I was trying to create merged esp file with FNVEdit, but it started to complaining about some esm files not being loaded after FalloutNV.esm so I opened my FOMM and tried to change the load order: moved the esm to the upmost at the load order -> no effect. Then I used the mod managers own feature to force file to be loaded first: This happened




After the crash it reverted any changes back before I opened the manager. I am currently running FOMM at patch 0.13.21 which I believe to be the latest. Is there a workaround for this as I finally found a way to get all my wanted mods to run together and then another problem appears.


Thanks in advance for those who can help


P.S. I tried to take esm files off from the merged patch, but it had no effect the same esm (Ambient Temperature.esm) still caused problems even if it wasn't active so I think I have 2 problems here...


Edit: I searched for forums and founded a program called BOSS. I ran it and it sorted my load order problems and I was able to create merged patch with FNVEdit, but still I have problems with my ~120 file limit causing my game to go plain crazy, but this conversation is on other post.

Edited by Jellona
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