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Equipment presets


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I never saw anything about this in any mod pages, so I will ask here.

The default left and right D-pad on X-box 360 joystick does nothing... So how about give them a function, an useful function:
- Change equipment with a single button press! (I don't use keyboard, so dunno if there is something like this for keyboards, this "hotkeys?")


- With SkyUI theres something called "groups" when you play around with favorites, so I can add sword+shield in a group, summon+soul trap in other group, healing+ward in other group, two fire spells in other, and so on.
- But what is a group? It does nothing! (Is it supposed to do anything?)
- So changing and equiping the things i put in this groups will be a fast way to keep the battles going when you need to change your tools during this fights. Example: sneaking with a bow; ops! spotted; quickly cast soul trap and summon a draeda, go with my sword and shiled and finish the bad boys; heal after if necessary.
- The idea is to use the left and right D-pad to change equipable things without pausing the battle. Clear enough?

Is that even possible to implemnt in Skyrim? Maybe i'm asking the impossible, dunno...

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You can press left and right when in the favourites menu to hotkey the items,so every time you press that button you equip the hotkeyed item.It's the same on the keyboard,but you have 1-8 there.


SkyUI groups only work with keyboards,and you use the function keys to use them.

Edited by Fenryr3001
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