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How to remove ClassicPack.esm from my mod


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I can't seem to figure out what is going on. I have been all over the nexus and google reading everything I can. I even downloaded the FNVEdit tutorial off the nexus.


I have all 4 DLC, Speedy resources, and sortomatic loading with my esp.


The mod that got accidentally loaded is underwater home (A mod that I like to use when I play the game)

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It's not even just the silo wall static. I am losing all of speedy resources at the same time (which I have used those quite extensively).


The only things that remain after removing the master is the items that I made myself. Either by renaming meshes or by editing meshes.

Edited by rotarydanimal
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When you remove UWH, your corrected load order changed! They're looking for those things at XXYYYYYY location but now they're at (XX-1)YYYYYY location


Try using the 'Clean Masters' function in FNVEdit to get rid of UWH instead of just deleting it from the list.



Edited by Xaranth
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Before. Also make sure you're not using any UWH resources before you try to do it.


Edit: Clarification. Take the version of your mod with UWH in its master list. Make sure it's clean of UWH resources. Then clean masters.

Edited by Xaranth
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