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No companion Affinity (No negative no Positive)


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So last night I finished "The Big Dig" and asked Hancock to be my companion I went and did some quests stuff I know he likes. Well nothing I did he liked I did a few MM quests did some Chems, Nothing not a like not a dislike nothing. So I checked my Affinity level with him it was at 0. I then set my Affinity at 256 did a few more things and checked it again and it had not moved. I then went to where all my other companions are located and I got in power armor Danse didn't care I worked on weapons and no one commented or it or care. I even went back to a few different saves hours and even days apart and it was still broken. It seems to of happened after I finished the DLC. Any help would really help.


P.S this is my 5-6 play trough and never had this issue until now.

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