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Legacy of Skynet


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It's okay, Buddha. Don't worry about it. I know someone who can make the mod, and he's pretty good with meshes and textures. I just don't know if he can get a robobrain to wield a gauss rifle...


I could get him to weild a pistol beleivably :rolleyes:


So, you're saying you dont want me to make this?

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A pistol...

Perhaps a laser gun or other energy based/plasma based substitute, maybe, I do not see Skynet reloading a clip every so often....

Gauss Rifle has "bullet ammo" as well, though these could be steel pellets.

A steel pellet fired through a Gauss/Rail gun can still do massive damage because of the speeds which the pellet flies with.

Not to mention the fact that their size combined with the speed makes them armor piercing...


And, pellets can be easily added through a simple system for reloading (through maybe a tube feeding system hat comes from skynet's body where the pellets are stored?).

Pellets, to go on, have the advantage that these are tiny, nearly weightless, and thus can be added to Skynet with amounts of say a thousand per reload, depending on the room our little friend has for ammo.

Reminds me of a needle gun I once had in FO2....

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Can't he simply be FOUND lingering around?

It WOULD make sense.


He travels, and say he got in trouble (energy wise, or engine wise, other?) while crossing the gorge?

Just thinking out loud...


yeah I guess your're right *sigh* but I really love bunkers......


actually i'm going to try again with this, he breaks down in,say, crescent canyon. You find him blah blah raiders blow up, scorpions spray stuff ony you. BUT he was originally here so he could find that pre-war vault, why? because his AI core or something is slowly dying and something in that bunker will fix him.

Edited by huntsman2310a
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No, no. I want you to make it, Buddha. I just don't want you to go out of your way or do it at great inconvenience to you.


Well... Skynet was a robobrain that wielded weapons in Fallout 2. That's why. If you got the Cybernetic Brain for him, he could function as a sniper and a scientist. So... I figure a gauss rifle is perfect, since it's an Energy Weapons sniper rifle.


But... I guess he doesn't really need to wield weapons... but we need to find some way to make him more unique from just a general robobrain. Skynet was awesome in Fallout 2 because he could wield all those long-range rifles despite being a robobrain. It's just... memories of happy moments in Fallout 2...


At the very least, he needs his self-repair diagnostics.

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Just throwing this out there, I don't mod so I wouldn't know, but couldn't you take a Securitron's arm, and paste it onto the Robo-brain? If you can't get him to hold anything, you could always say he lost an arm (or two) and convinced someone to replace it for him. Or, could you maybe chop off his hand, and have the barrel of whatever gun it is sticking out when he equips it? I dunno, just tossing out ideas, hopefully someone with skill can take something from them and make it work. :)
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