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In need of a graphic artist..


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As my title says, I'm in need of a graphic designer for a logo. What i need is fairly simple, I've worked up a sample.


It's for my music page, and hopefully if this goes anywhere, my official logo.


Here is the sample




I know that is kind of big, sorry bout that.


Anyway on to what i need:


I was curious if anyone with more skill than me can touch up this text abit. I can send it in 1080p.. I don't really know what i want to be honest.


Something that would go with

kind of music.


I can't pay anything (As of right now) but, i could in the future if this goes anywhere.


PM me or post here if you are interested..


Thanks guys!

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o.0 That mustic...and I thought Goodbye Horses was strange enough. Do you do the music like Cyrus from the movie...Cyrus? As in, stand up with strobe lights while playing the electric keyboard (if I remember the scene right).
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