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Script editor for German Version ?


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Well i play much Fallout New Vegas with very much mods. But a few mods dosent work without NWSE.

I have a german version, not the pegi version. On the site of the NWSE they sayd that NWSE dosent support the german version.

Well. now i f***ed up and wanna know if NWSE will be patched for german cut version.

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My understanding is that the limitation is due to no one developing it or interested in developing it having a version of the German game to work with. Someone else with more savvy in the matter can probably give you a better answer... hope you get a port somewhere down the line, though.
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Slight elabouration on NorthWolf's explanation: To get NVSE to work, they need to know where a bunch of things are stored in memory, so they can modifiy them/read them. Those locations are different for different exes- which is why NVSE breaks when the exe gets patched. None of the NVSE developers have a german no-gore copy of New Vegas, so they can't hunt through its memory when it's running to find where the appropriate things are stored. Unfortunately the only real solution is to either buy someone from the NVSE team a german copy (if that's possible) or buy yourself a regular copy (if that's possible).
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  • 1 month later...

So that's what I've been looking for: Just like DIcNr72 I own the German Version of Fallout New Vegas. The last couple of days i've been downloading a bunch of Mod's for my game....but the really good one's need NVSE. So my Question...did something happen in the Way of adepting NVSE for us Germans? Hope the makers of NVSE are thinging about it , because a lot of Germans are visiting Nexus and most of them can't use the good Mod's u people develope. I can use thermal sight and I can make it Rain,Snow or creat a Sandstorm.....but i can't use the Range Finder or Select Fire....that make me kind of depressive. But anyways.......keep up the great work ur doing in creating those wonderfull Mod's.



ps. Sorry for any wrong spelling......I'm not used 2 write in english :-)

Edited by Garfield1074
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Well i play much Fallout New Vegas with very much mods. But a few mods dosent work without NWSE.

I have a german version, not the pegi version. On the site of the NWSE they sayd that NWSE dosent support the german version.

Well. now i f***ed up and wanna know if NWSE will be patched for german cut version.

empfehle englische installation mit untertiteln (sofern bedarf). & gruß aus wien :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
@TheTalkieToaster are you saying that the team just needs the FalloutNV.exe? So should someone send them this exe via, say, Skype, they could do a German Version? Not that I would do that of course *cough, cough* Es ist nämlich absolut bescheuert NV ohne die Mods zu spielen, diedas Spiel so genial machen.
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