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Custom spells in the CS.


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I was trying to create some custom spells for companions with multiple effects. I create a frost damage spell that damages speed. But the effect is the damage attribute one, but I want it to be the frost effect. It appears that the effect at the top of the list is the visual effect, but I can't get frost damage to be the top of the list for the spell.
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Maybe provide a screenshot of your problem?


Screenshot of which? Ingame or the CS? It's just the typical non-damage spell visual when im trying to make it frost damage. When I get hit by it the speed damage and frost damage appear on my hud along with the script effect icon. The script effect has the frost damage visual, but it's not working.


Maybe im doing it wrong? What about a few screenshot on how it's supposed to be made?


Soneone said I shouldn't test changes on a save im still using. That's a bad idea? Cause I loaded that save dozens of times after editing stuff constantly.

Edited by Ghoulz
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