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What allows settlers at a settlement?


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I'm stumped here. I've tried to copy over as much as I can but that doesn't work. Does anyone know what reference/marker/script/etc enables settlers to be added to a settlement?

Also, what enables an entry in the R) Move menu to move settlers/dismiss companions to a settlement?

Edited by seekingthesun
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if you download my rebuilt coastal cottage mod it has an added interior cell that i made into a settlement but you will find that it does not do the things you are looking for. I have come to the conclusion that some of the settlement data is hardcoded and we cant get to it. *(at least not yet) I made a location for it as well as tried adding it to the settlement formlist but it did not expose the items you are looking for. It did however allow me to in every other way treat it as a settlement.

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You don't need the WorkshopNPCScript. What you need are a few properties in the WorkshopScript of your Workbench and a short script that marks the location as cleared. I managed to add my craftable vaults to the list like this:


- Make sure the property OwnedByPlayer is false (default, so no entry is ok).

- Make sure the property EnableAutomaticPlayerOwnership is true (default, so no entry is ok).

- Add some sort of script, that marks the workshop location as cleared. You should make your own location for this. In my vaults using the load door marks the location as cleared.


I tried a lot stuff to get this to work (only to notice, that it does not work without navmesh), but I think these are the important steps. The workshop should then be added to the workshop list. You may also need a linked ref with keyword WorkshopLinkSpawn linked to a spawn point.


If you want more details, you should decompile the WorkshopScript and WorkshopParentScript. These two are the most relevant ones.

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Check out the mod:


Vault 98 - Standalone settlement by Ryanc229



And open it up in FO4Edit.


He cracked it. Built a cleaned out clone of Vault 81 which works as a fully functional settlement. Navmesh is the same as Vault 81, he just changed the parent to Vault98 and it works flawlessly.


Should be possible to follow the same method to make many locations settlements with functional settlers.

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So do I have to make up a custom script, then reference that script?

It might work without it, but I am not sure. This just looks like the cleanest method to obtain a settlement.


Another important thing I forgot in the previous post: The used workbench base object must have the WorkshopWorkbenchTypeSettlement keyword. If you used the normal exterior workbench everything is fine. These WorkshopWorkbenchType_ keywords define which objects can be build at the workshop (that's why you can't build shacks inside the DC house). The WorkshopWorkbenchTypeSettlement also seems to be important for adding the workshop to the settlement list, which is done dynamically somewhere within the WorkshopParentScript (see code snipped below).


PropertyGroup WorkshopMasterList
    RefCollectionAlias Property WorkshopsCollection Auto
    { pointer to ref collection of workshops }
    workshopscript[] Property Workshops Auto
    { Array of all workshops
     index is the "workshopID" of that workshop
     initialized at runtime }
    Location[] Property WorkshopLocations Auto
    { associated locations - initialized at runtime }

I am not sure what actions trigger a refresh of that list, but obtaining a new workshop with the mentioned procedure is one of them.

Edited by DarthWayne
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