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Console and mods don't work on vista


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Hiya all, I've got a little problem concerning morrowind


For some reason, no self-made mod works on my vista laptop, though I can select them in the data files. Master files do seem to work.

Furthermore, the ~ key doesn't work.

The game and mods work perfectly on my brother's laptop (windows 7) and my stone-age XP desktop


Any help or tips are welcome



Edit: apparantly the mod-problem lies with my Construction Set; it doesn't save .ESP files in my data files, even though I can choose them in the data-files section at start-up. My laptop also doesn't seem to recognise the .ESP suffix, as downloaded plug-ins don't work either

Edited by Ursanclaw
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I run Vista on my desktop. The path for my Morrowind is C:\Program Files\Bathesda Softworks\Oblivion (default install) and I don't have any issues with console or mods. Contruction set is in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\ as well and it works fine. What did you choose when the installer prompted you as te CD installed?
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It's just that the usual word is not to install to the default location with Vista or Windows 7. I tend to install to C\Games\BethesdaSoftworks\Morrowind (or Oblivion, or Fallout 3), and I have Vista on my desktop and Windows 7 on the laptop.
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It's just that the usual word is not to install to the default location with Vista or Windows 7. I tend to install to C\Games\BethesdaSoftworks\Morrowind (or Oblivion, or Fallout 3), and I have Vista on my desktop and Windows 7 on the laptop.


When I first "upgraded" (not sure vistas is an upgrade from anything) to vistas I learned the hard way to never install anything you might want to altar in any fashion to program files. At any rate I seem to recall hearing that the closer to C you install the better the performance. So what Ginnyfizz does is probably right on the money.

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