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Empty, Full settlement, Predewyn Interior w/ fast travel (if possible)


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I'd really love to build up the interior of the predewyn airship as it's already nicely laid out with rooms and workshop area.

only the main interior is needed, so the command deck isn't necessary.

if fast travel isn't possible yet (until GECK is released) then the entrance doesn't need to be lore friendly, but maybe an item that we can put on our favorite listing and it will tp the player to the cell? like coc commands (PrydwenHull01)


Would really love this to be a thing, hell you don't even need to clear out the interior, i can do that myself with scrapping and disabling.


even after (in my save) the minutemen destroyed the ship, and i can tp to the correct interior, the enemies respawn from time to time, making it unfeasible. also the issue of everything being Steal this or that


Thanks in advance!

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Fast travel is possible, you just need to add a marker to fast travel. I've already made custom travel markers.

So why don't you just make this yourself? You can make a new prydwen interior by copying as a new record and changing the labels and location, Then remove all the reference records for interior items. You could spawn in a workbench.

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