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Automatron and Mod bugs (Spoiler Warning)


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I thought I would post this in case anyone else has these problems. I am sure some of these have already been covered. I have had a few problems with this DLC and some of the mods I use.


1. CTD after completing Automatron and trying to exit the Robco building and traveling near it again, caused by .swf file changes from Nodotdotdot Mod. There are some other mods that change the UI and add or change .swf files that cause it as well. I installed the County Crossing Automatron Mod fix that changes the Mechanist Lair's icon to a vault icon. This fixed my issue. Alternately uninstalling all mods that affect the UI or delete your .swf files in your data>interface folder have fixed the issue for other players as well.


2. Walls, floors, and furniture disappearing inside the General Atomics Building early in the DLC, caused by Fogout Mod. I disabled it and fixed the problem, waiting on an update from author.


3. The Mechanist becomes auto hostile not allowing me to talk to her after the last battle and/or coming down the elevator. This wasn't caused by a mod but rather the targeting HUD addon to PA helmets. I have a mod that allows me to install it on certain eyewear and it caused it as well. I just removed the item with the armor mod and it fixed my problem.


This is all I got for now.

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