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Need help with a modelling issue


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I just started to venture into learning how to use Blender about two days ago and the first thing I tried to do was tweak an existing outfit to fix some small clipping issues, wrist seam gaps, add/remove parts of the outfit, etc. The outfit included a pair of boots, jeans, shirt, gloves, and a necklace, as well as the female upperbody model and hand models. Everything about the changes worked except for the upperbody, which is floating around in the air and looks like its being anchored down by the right arm (which is the only part of the upperbody that is working correctly).


Basically, I'd just like a point in the right direction into where I went wrong. There's a picture below:




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What is the string called for the parts that is screwed up in game? make sure it is not named one of the skeleton parts or meat caps ect
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In NifSkope they're called the usual "Bipod01 L foot", etc.


I think I found the problem in NifSkope. I looked at the original outfit and the tweaked version I made, and in my version under the UpperBody model in the "BSDismemberSkinInstance", the only nodes listed are "Bipod01 R ForeTwist" and "Bipod01 R Hand". And since the right arm is the only part working, I'm guessing that is directly related to the issue I'm having.

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Edit the string of the mesh section that is screwed up to something else like upperbody or anything, does not matter what, just not skeleton joints like it is atm or meatcaps/dismember parts.
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