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Mod not showing?

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Yeah, I'm a noob at modding so don't judge D: Anyways I've downloaded a few mods and what not and i'm not seeing any of it when I launch my game. I do have NMM and I downloaded some mods manually and done what I was suppose to but i'm not seeing them at all. The only mod I could see if the NMC texture pack. I've downloaded a goodsprings safe house and the mojave delight but when I launch the game i'm not seeing it. >.> Am I suppose to make a new game or continue from my current save? I just started this game so yeah.

Edited by misscaptainkayce
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Most likely you haven't "activated" the ESMs and ESPs of your mods. It's a three step process: download, activate, and then sort your "load order" (LO). See this wiki article on the NMM version of this process. I recommend using LOOT to sort your LO for FNV.


The "NMC Texture Pack" is only mesh and texture files that replace vanilla ones, which is why they show up immediately. The mod doesn't have an ESP to show up in the LO, so there is nothing to "activate".



Edited by dubiousintent
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