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playing Far Cry Primal on PC


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I am finding this tough just with a keyboard and mouse


would I be better off getting a Game Controller to play this on PC? I haven't got one right now


I found this on amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/ZD-Vibration-Controller-PlayStation-Architecture/dp/B00NP4GT6C?ie=UTF8&keywords=controller&qid=1459086760&ref_=sr_1_2&s=videogames&sr=1-2 do you think that's the best one to get for this game?

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IF you have played any 1st person shooters on the pc, this game is extremely easy to play with keyboard/mouse. If you haven't, then it will take some getting used to.


I, for the life of me, cannot use a controller to aim/shoot at anything. I have been playing 1st person games on the computer for years and using a gamepad never worked for me for anything besides driving games.

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  • 9 months later...

i know this is an old post, but i have an xbox 360 controller for my pc. i play all games with it being that i dont have a computer desk. my pc is hooked up to my tv, so sitting with a keyboard and mouse in my lap is kinda hard. as with any electronic, do your research first. read lots and lots of comments on the product you are thinking about. almost all new games have controller support, but not all older games.

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  • 3 years later...

Играю на xbox 360 под хпаддером + мышь 8 кнопок. Ей целюсь и на её кнопки назначены правый триггер и кнопки геймпада- очень комфортно!!! К сожалению многие новые игры , например но мен скай, что то не доделывают и опционально геймпад отключить нет возможности , а играть как на версии нмс 1.77 не получается из за появившегося конфликта пада с клавой(( Можно ли создать мод или как то иначе отцепить геймпад от игры?

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