LE Follower and Marriage settings for "Everybody Loves Dovahkiin"
Everyone Loves Dovahkiin Default Settings
18 members have voted
1. Which of these marriage settings would you prefer to be ENABLED by default? (You can choose more than one.)
Ignore In-Love, Ignore Spouses, Ignore Courting (Does not allow marriage to anyone in-love, married or in a relationship.)
Ignore In-Love and Ignore Spouses (This does not allow marriage to people who are already in-love or married.)
Ignore In-Love (This does not allow marriage to anyone who is in-love, whether they are married or not.)
Ignore Spouses (This does not allow marriage to anyone who is married, whether they are in love or not).0
None of these (Allows you to marry anyone possible.)
2. Default assistance setting?
Enabled, NPCs will always assist the player when they are following you.
Disabled, based on their default AI, some NPCs will not assist the player until the NPC is attacked by an enemy.
3. Default confidence setting?
Disabled, preserve the default AI of each NPC. Some "Cowardly" NPCs will not defend themselves even against level 1 enemies. They will just run around in fear whenever combat breaks out.
Cautious, if an NPC is "Cowardly" then increase their confidence level to "Cautious" so they will at least defense themselves against lower level enemies. They will still run in fear from higher level enemies.
Average, same as "Cautious" except the NPCs are also willing to fight enemies that are equal in level.
Brave, the NPCs will be willing to fight higher level enemies but will run away if they are close to getting killed.
Foolhardy, NPCs will always fight to the death no matter who the opponent is.
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