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blade of the east replacer


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Correct link


can someone make this one

It has open permissions


straight version gladius version doesnt look good

It would be fairly easy to swap the blade with any existing bladed FONV weapon. If you decide to go that way, pick one out and I'll see if I can find a few minutes to put it together.

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Made two versions. Just adding the katana blade resulted in a "Naginata like" sword, where there was almost as much handle as blade, pic;


So I made a heavily edited version that is much closer to a Odachi. Here are the three blades from right to left,
bingles original replacer, bingles hilt with a larger katana blade (call this sword A) and at the far left a edited version of bingles hilt (call this sword B) that has proportions much closer to a katana or Odachi, pic;


Here are a few pics to help you decide which you'd like;

SwordA, pic;


SwordB, pic;




If your using them as intended (ie replacer) than just unrar the file you want and copy the nif to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes\nvdlc05\weapons\2handmelee" where the legates sword is (unless you have your steam install somewhere else in which case adjust the path). Make sure you have the textures (which you should if you are playing with the original).


And yes it's spelled incorrectly, but don't correct it as that is the filename the esm will look for.


Let me know if you want it enhanced to display even when not equipped.

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looks great maybe you can add darkish particle effects

Maybe. I added smoke effects on this bottle weapon (precursor for a molotov cocktail). Tell me where or on what you saw the effect you want and maybe I can locate it in the geck, vid;








when you are not busy ?

Yeah I should probably start on teh gun butt bashing, caravan, robots and SM mods.

Edited by devinpatterson
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