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Updates on my scifi level assets.


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You sir, are awesome!

If the entire setting for your "DLC" will look like that, i might actually spend less time in skyrim, and more in fallout! :D


Thanks for the awesome compliment! The entire setting will definitely be like this. :D


:wub: :P


Working on some concepts right now for armor parts


As if i wasn't anxious enough :happy:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright well, I know I haven't done very many updates in a while... HOWEVER... I actually managed to find a job in this economy, on top of going back to college for Fall semester :P so I am a little busy. This job is important(duh), because artists like myself need a lot of digital supplies. Like FilterForge, Wacom tablets, etc. I'm aiming my first paycheck at the professional edition of Filterforge 3.0 when it becomes available. It's a VERY powerful node-based seamless texture plugin/standalone application. You can create detailed high-res texture materials, as well as make things like effects textures a lot easier... and all from scratch..


And about school, I'm in a level design course now, and my instructor made me one of the art supervisors in a group project. Which means a lot of visual stuff, like texture maps and polycounts go through me! Quite a compliment, really. :)


Concerning the project, things are getting done. One of the weapon's projectiles have been finished(including the sound effects that I created myself. pew pew!) and some other smaller assets like trashcans and such are finished. I'm sure I'll have stuff to show off next month :D

Edited by Deadspine
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Below is a fragment of my vision for the main hall within the launch station. This is the only place in the wasteland that will be part of this quest mod. The rest does indeed take place billions of light years away... in other cells xD





The main hall probably won't be THIS long. There will also be a few extra variations for the same piece, to break up the repetitive nature, but you get the idea. I was just having some fun. ;P

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I really do hope I'm not bothering anyone with all these posts...


I know none of you are really aware of my texturing capabilities, so here was my final project for Game Art Assets class just last semester.





Meet Rozco - 73. Who is just under 6000 polygons. More accurately, I think he's about 5988. Something like that, haha. He's designed to look rather toony. In that sort of Borderlands kind of way. Hence the large frame, and skinny limbs. Although the "excuse" is that he's already working in zero-g anyway. xp

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