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Skyrim Arena mod


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Maybe I'm missing something, but I never seen any really well done dedicated Arena mods for Skyrim of quality at least remotely comparable to Oblivion or even FNV Arenas, which is rather ridiculous...

There super high quality land mods with fanatstic stories which in some aspects are even better than vanilla, but no simple good Arena mod? Why? Or maybe there are, which I haven't seen yet?

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The funny thing is, there is hidden location in Windhelm that supposed to be an arena IIRC, for some stupid reason it got cut from the game (like many other things). Seriously, how much effeort it may take to make a mod out of it? Good and quality one?... Skyrim is basically begging for it, lol.

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Thirteenoranges made a mod called Faction: Pit Fighter which is available on Steam Workshop but not on Nexus. It restores the arena in Windhelm that was cut from the game, and adds a bunch of other fight locations and NPCs with quests for faction progression. I can't speak to its quality specifically, but his mods are generally very good.

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Yeah, I've checked that out. It's a very good story mod, but it lacks general Arena purpose. Mod is designed for low level characters, and even for those pose close to no challenge... Otherwise great mod, but that's not the type of Arena Skyrim is begging for right now.

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I'm putting together a player home in Markarth that will have a random dungeon generator and an arena. Not going to be much story line to it other than the place was used to train

dragonborn and has long since been forgotten. Got 3 months into now and it's looking pretty sweet. Most of the harder work is complete. Should be ready this summer at some point.

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Well, I am working on a large new map which will feature two big Arenas. One is like the picture below and the other will be even bigger for dragon fighting.



Edited by georgeblack
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Well, that's promising. Good luck in your efforts. Would be cool feature to be able to choose specific creatures to fight with and supercool would be Skyrim Immersive Creatures support. I have asked authors sometimes ago and they didn't plan any arenas, but landmodes I've seen support SiC (Wyrmstooth, Summerset, Falskaar) so I hope it wouldn't be too hard to implement.

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The fighting part isn't hard to implement actually since it's just like the radiant bounty quest in vanilla Skyrim(talk to someone, kill someone, get your reward). The difficult part would be the betting feature and the more difficult part would be finishing the whole map:) I will make the final fight for grand champion really challenging and the prize worth the effort. I will try to release a beta version within summer. Edited by georgeblack
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