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Need new unlock all civ clothing & armor options mod...


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It has been two weeks since the anarchy dlc and any mod that unlocked all clothing and armor options in game now either doesn't work or breaks the game.


First example is...




The author of this mod disappeared never to be heard from again after creating it. This mod with anarchy dlc now just breaks the game.


The other current option is...




This author is still around last update was the 17th but it doesn't work with Anarchy and hasn't responded to any concerns since he uploaded the update.

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I am the author of the second one. To be honest I rarely look in the nexus file thread because the threading is weird. Other users (on steam) have said it works fine with the AC DLC. On steam, I have also updated the description and added a video of how to use it; but the file version is the same as nexus. Please check the description and video to see if this helps any.



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I use davidlallen's Armor Variety mod with the Anarchy DLC fine. I also use the "Symmetrical Arms" mod as well. It just moves everything around a bit when you unlock a new armor tier, so you have to re-customize your soldiers.


Unless you're referring to the fact that the Anarchy DLC items cannot be mixed and matched with any other armor items? I think that was Firaxis's doing,, but AFAIK, someone on the Steam Workshop has create an unlock for them.

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