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Forcing game to load from DefaultGameCore.ini


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Hi there. First time on this forum. Simple question. Am running xcom eu. A cracked copy from a friend. I have finished it and wanted to mod it and try it again. All I want is to force the game to load from the defaultgamecore ini file and thats it. I am using Hxd, open the corrcect file but cannot find the defaultgamecore ini entry anywhere in the file. Also whenever I save the file and change even 1 value, from 1 to 2 say for damge, the exe file crashes with the following error. any advice how to stop it crashing or even why it crashes?


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The source of your problem is that the "cracking" process changed the offsets of the file so all the hex addresses for our changes are off. We've never bothered to look into it further than to pin down that error means "cracked copy".


"Cracked" copies are illegal and the forum rules prohibit discussion of them. It's a banning offense. We simply tell people the solution is to "get legal".



Edited by dubiousintent
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my home internet connection is non existant, library wifi user here. Bought a actual copy of xcom but unable to install it without having a connection and downloading it again from steam so hence the cracked copy. I have contacted steam about it, am waiting for their response but in the meantime will do this.

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my home internet connection is non existant, library wifi user here. Bought a actual copy of xcom but unable to install it without having a connection and downloading it again from steam so hence the cracked copy. I have contacted steam about it, am waiting for their response but in the meantime will do this.

you can run steam in offline mode. You'd have to go online where you have working wifi, get the game registered etc. then you can run steam in offline mode @ home.

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