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Mod Selections


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I figured mod talk would be a good place to put this, at it deals with talking about the best fitting mods.


I already have a list of mods (with some additions) loaded up on the girlfriends copy of New Vegas (she has a new laptop and decided she wanted to experience New Vegas, but has -literally- no experience with mods; wanted me to help her out), some of which you can see here.


What I would like to do in this thread, is talk about the best mods one would want when experiencing New Vegas for the first time. She has been watching me play it for a while now, and is already acquainted with the vanilla version (her words). She feels, after hearing me talk about and explain what mods can accomplish, and which ones I already enjoy more than others, that she needs mods as well. As a result of that conversation, I decided to tap into the resources here, by asking for some help. I would input from you all, as to which ones are suitable for a first time player. Before you answer, take into account the list I gave in the link above, and then go from there (no, this isn't a means of self promotion for the thread made a while ago; no reason for necro-threading, just wanted it used as a reference).


After speaking more in depth with her, I have been able to reduce the categories to the following:


World Aesthetics: These mods are the ones that redesign (for the better) world based textures. These include plants, buildings, ground, etc. I have a couple of these for her already.


Interior Aesthetics: These mods are the ones that redesign (for the better) world based textures. These include the inside of basic structures, opening structures up that were previously not accessible in vanilla NV, etc.


NPC Aesthetics: These are the mods that retexture the enemies and the NPCs (For example, I believe there is a mod that redoes the Geckos in the game; great looking work though the name escapes me right now).


Weapon and Misc Aesthetics: Many of these I already have for her. However, there are many well made mods out there that add entire stores with all brand-new gear (first one that comes to mind is HDT), to include weapons and armor. This section would also include any wardrobe mods out there (though I havent seen any that are just for clothes, ie new cloths for the pre-war styles, wasteland styles and so-on.) Other mods would include smaller retextures such as the Geckos, playing cards, poker chips, etc.


If you can see it, there is a trend. At the moment, after watching me and letting me explain my mod selections, she has decided that the gameplay changing, or overhaul mods that I currently have installed are just right. At the moment, I am only looking for aesthetics. I am sure there are those of you out there who might take offense to this thread. I realize this makes it look like I am asking someone else to search through the NV Nexus for me (the lack of tags on a lot of the files already makes it challenging). I can assure you, that is not at all what I am doing. I go through periodically and download and test any time I have the ability to. Each one that the girlfriend decides she wants, will get added to the list seen in the link provided, so you all can see what recommendations were best. Thanks to any and all willing to share their favorite and 'must have' mods!


P.S. Yes, the girlfriend is real. The term 'girlfriend' is not a euphemism used to describe a different person, when really I am only referencing me. She's real. And really wants to know what is out there, but has absolutely no knowledge of what shes doing (with the game, or mods in general).

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