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Error Compiling Scripts on Game Startup

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Hey guys. I'm new to the game, and modding, and have a problem. I think it's simple, because I only have a few mods installed, which are:








However, when I launch the game and it begins to compile scripts, I get these errors:

Error [content0]game\scenes\sceneplayer.ws(79): Could not find function 'OnCutsceneStarted'
Error [content0]game\scenes\sceneplayer.ws(95): Could not find function 'OnCutsceneEnded'
Error [content0]game\scenes\sceneplayer.ws(113): Could not find function 'OnCutsceneEnded'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\hudmoduleradialmenu.ws(296): Could not find function 'OnRadialOpened'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\hudmoduleradialmenu.ws(351): Could not find function 'OnRadialClosed'
Error [modzoomoutlhud]game\player\states\vehicles\horseriding.ws(45): Could not find function 'Log'

Any idea how to fix this? I tried using scriptmerger but it reports there are no conflicts.



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I was having same issue and am also using a couple of the mods you list. The issue is created because those mods are not bundled. If you look inside their folders you will find after content folder a scripts folder. What you need to do is bundle these modes. When done a single file called "metadata.store" will be created. This is what should be in your "mod" folder.

Example: modAlwaysFullExp ->content->metadata.store. Delete the scripts folder in there. The "metadata.store" file replaces the scripts folder.

This solved all start up script errors for me. Hope it helps you.


Edit: If your looking for an easy to use, and user friendly program to edit and merge script files , here's a program I just realized can be used for W3 script files.


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