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ENB and ReShade blurring text


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Hey everyone,

First off, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the modders and all their hard work. It goes without saying you guys are the sole reason why games like Fallout maintain their replayability. I salute you :smile:

Now for my question. I've recently installed Cinematic Excellence ENB. I like using it because of the bokeh depth of field and how it dynamically adjusts/blurs objects in and out of focus. I've always been a fan of this technique. However, it blurs the game's text horrifically. I've researched extensively a fix for this. Some people claim there's fixes, all of which I've tried to no avail, and others say it's because ENB doesn't bode well with ReShade. Which doesn't make sense because virtually every ENB includes ReShade... I've tried hitting F12 in-game, which I believe is the hotkey to disable the ENB, and it clears up the issue. But, obviously, my problem is I'd like to actually play WITH it enabled and not have to disable it every time I enter a conversation or a message pops up onto my HUD.


Anyway, I've provided an example of what I'm talking about below:



My system specs are as follows:

Intel i7 6700K (stock speed)
Dual Nvidia Titan X's running in SLI
MSI Gaming Z170A XPOWER Titanium




Thanks all!

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