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Hopes for F4 Modding


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Even though I lack any modding skill and have no real interest in obtaining it, I do have an interest in certain gameplay mechanics and features I feel people don't really capitalize on which in my opinion really stinks.


First off can we all agree that there will be a mod that allows anyone and everyone to summon in a Vertibird? I know its more game friendly to lock it to BOS but come on.. I can't have one for RP Sake? I just wanna fight against the BOS as an rebel group is all.


That last bit brings me to the next hope I have. FACTION WARS / Custom Faction Making.


The BOS hate the Railroad and the Institute and probably the Minutemen. The Institute hates the BOS and the Railroad and are kinda iffy about the Minutemen. The Railroad hates the BOS and Institute but tolerates the Minutemen, Lastly the Minute men don't hate anyone per-say but are extremely dodgy of everyone. So you're telling me these groups aren't trying to prod or eradicate one another. What the f*#@ was going on with Maxsons troops when he said there was going to be a war? Am I the only one doing s#*!? Probably. But that shouldn't be the case.


We should be able to lead our troops from whatever faction we're in to victory on the battlefield and be able to fortify previous enemy outposts. If you don't like the predetermined 4 factions, you can make your own even.


Faction Wars wouldn't be a necessary mod but its what I've been waiting for for the better part of 8 years.


Lastly cause I don't want to make a steam wishlist here.. but can I assume someones gonna bring back the Enclave? Preferably the west coast even though it doesn't make lore sense. Please. If I'm gonna kill everyone I'd rather do it and be upfront about it rather then be Maxsons little play thing.


That's just a couple of mods I think would be good to bring out. What about you guys, what do you hope the best and brightest of us come up with? (Besides a better story)

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