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Witcher 2 endings ( enter at your own risk!)

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OK..don't read this if you haven't played the game till the end...or near it.


With that outta the way, let's get to the near ending part...First off, i have to say that after having play this game all the way through act 3, i have to say that one of the most enjoyable aspects of this game for me personally; are the characters. Most of them are really well written, and i found that i liked most of 'em... two in particulars; namely Phillipa and Saskia... and herein lies the problem.


Imagine my surprised when i found out that in act 3, they turned out to be kind of the villains. And while no doubt that some will go; 'wow! this is sooo unexpected and therefore cool, dude!' I'm kinda having problem with this revelations...because...i don't parcticularly like having to fight them! Imagine playing rces evil 5..and suddenly after spending so many hours, you'll find out you have to kill Sheva ( ok..some of you might relish that idea..but you get my point :tongue: )


So since the wither 2 supposedly having multiple endings, my question is for those of you who walks a different path (heh)


My path...Iorveth path...save phillipa instead of triss while in the dungeon.


Gonna be a major bummer for me if it turns out that this is how all the endings are...with just a tiny bit of variations.

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There are indeed different endings . my first play i took Roche`s path and you don`t get to know Saskia or what she is and the same can be said for phillipa and instead you get to Henselt`s camp with Dethmold and Sile de Tansarville . Totally different endings .
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^^ Do you still have to fight the Saskia dragon though at the end of act 3? or do you have to fight a completely different boss/ enemies?


Don't worry about spoilers..give it to me!


You still fight the Dragon but you don`t know it`s Saskia and so i killed it the first time...well you know it winds up and just walked away the second time and it lives . My first play on Iorveth`s side i saved Triss instead of Phillipa but this time i think i will help Phillipa ...to see how things turn out . Also on the first play i killed the succubus ...but after reading the journal entry i may side with the succubus this time...i love trying various choices when given the opportunity to see how differently tings turn out .


As for Letho i killed him the first time also but on the second play i chose the second option and still had to fight him anyway...so i don`t know if no matter what you choose you have to fight him but will try again on the third play to tell him to go far away and see what happens .

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As for Letho i killed him the first time also but on the second play i chose the second option and still had to fight him anyway...so i don`t know if no matter what you choose you have to fight him but will try again on the third play to tell him to go far away and see what happens .

Hmm that is weird, if you choose 2nd option, you should just part ways peacefully, maybe a bug? Did you talk to him? Did you drink vodka with him :P?


I finished the game three times. On my first playthrough i sided with Iorveth, saved Triss and let Letho go. On my second i sided with Roche and went with him all the way (very interesting ending), killed Letho. On my third run i went with Iorveth all the way and i killed Letho (only because i made a promise to Roche, i wouldn't otherwise, i think he is one of the best characters in TW2).

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As for Letho i killed him the first time also but on the second play i chose the second option and still had to fight him anyway...so i don`t know if no matter what you choose you have to fight him but will try again on the third play to tell him to go far away and see what happens .

Hmm that is weird, if you choose 2nd option, you should just part ways peacefully, maybe a bug? Did you talk to him? Did you drink vodka with him :P?


I finished the game three times. On my first playthrough i sided with Iorveth, saved Triss and let Letho go. On my second i sided with Roche and went with him all the way (very interesting ending), killed Letho. On my third run i went with Iorveth all the way and i killed Letho (only because i made a promise to Roche, i wouldn't otherwise, i think he is one of the best characters in TW2).

Yep i finished all dialogues and drank the vodka twice and then selected go far way and he drew his sword and blasted me with aard . He darn near killed me before i could react with quen . Took me by surprise that`s what he did and yes i was expecting him to just walk away...but that did not happen...i`ll try again on the 3rd play which i`m in act 1 on that play currently .

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Yep i finished all dialogues and drank the vodka twice and then selected go far way and he drew his sword and blasted me with aard . He darn near killed me before i could react with quen . Took me by surprise that`s what he did and yes i was expecting him to just walk away...but that did not happen...i`ll try again on the 3rd play which i`m in act 1 on that play currently .

I actually finished one playthrough where I let Letho just walk off, and so he did.

No swords being drawn, no combat, no kill!

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Yep i finished all dialogues and drank the vodka twice and then selected go far way and he drew his sword and blasted me with aard . He darn near killed me before i could react with quen . Took me by surprise that`s what he did and yes i was expecting him to just walk away...but that did not happen...i`ll try again on the 3rd play which i`m in act 1 on that play currently .

I actually finished one playthrough where I let Letho just walk off, and so he did.

No swords being drawn, no combat, no kill!


Yeah, this happened to me to. I thought Letho was going to walk off and then he smacks me down. I was very surprised by this, but fine...we went at it and it was a damn good fight but I finally got him down. I didn't die once, much to my surprise. But, to add to this, I noticed during our 'talk' that a lot of the dialog from the first time around was not there, it was like the game skipped over all of it. I loaded up that part of the game again to see what would happen and this time, all of the dialog was there. Letho walked away this time. Funny that...


As far as the game, I am completely amazed by the many different ways this game can go. This is what it is all about in my book. CDProjekt have raised the bar considerably with this one and I would say that the folks back at EA have taken notice. To add to this, I bet Bethesda is looking at this long and hard, and going to be doing some serious fine tuning (Skyrim) and changes if needed. :tongue:

Edited by naked blade
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  • 2 weeks later...
I did Iorveths path, the first time I saved Triss, the second time I helped Philipa. Personally, while I would have liked to be able to do both, save Triss and get the dagger from Philippa, I had to save Saskia...A dragon under the control of an evil sorceress is not a good thing. The second time I did this I also let Sile die in the teleporter...not too happy about that one for some reason...
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