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CS: Door Marker Problem

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Hey there Nexus, so I am in the middle of creating my first dungeon, using the excellent tutorial on The Construction Set Wiki, but I have run into a problem: The Door Marker. So I link the door to my cell, just like I'm told. I see the marker, I try to position it and then... Nothing... I can't move it. The tutorial tells me to "left-click on it to select it, then right-click and hold. As you move the mouse, the Marker will rotate." But... This does not happen. It still won't move. However the things near the marker are moving in this crazy horribly designed way, and it won't get out of that movement style, so I have to get out of the Construction Set and load it up again each time it doesn't work. I've tried this nine times now, can anyone help with this?


Also, this is what I want to do to the problem:


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Anyone? The thing won't move at all. I've been trying this for two days now, nothing happens when I right click and move the mouse... Everyone keeps telling me that's how you do it but the damn thing won't budge at bit. I can move everything else like this, light markers, northmarkers, whatever, but the damn door marker just won't move at all. Is there any more to this?
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