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Oblivion CTD


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It sounds like the clash between the Elder Council, and Reneer's Guard Overhaul; although I don't know exactly what causes it, possibly something to do with how they handle the guards AI. I had the same problem.


Whilst not quite as comprehensive as RGO, SM Regional Bounty does a lot of the same jobs. However if you give me a week or so to finish my current mods; I plan to expand my own crime handler to include customisable regions, and possibly crimes having witnesses as well.

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Ok thanks, Good luck on your mod. Just one other thing, UL even if I run 1 module causes instant crashes. the Crash Prevention System, starts playing the sound about 5 or 6 times in 3seconds before the game crashes on entering and exterior cell (even an un-modded cell). I know merging UL may be risky, but can't I simply merge each module with its respective patch or merge neighbouring modules into one (since I know which ones I want to keep).
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