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Hmmm... That can get tricky. Well, if you don't have specific permission instructions on your pages, and there isn't anything that says "Don't upload/edit without my permission", then the people (As far as I know) can't get in trouble for it, and aren't technically doing anything wrong. Edit your permission instructions, contact the people who are uploading your files. You might even try asking a moderator about it, as they can be very helpful.


Hope this helps!

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i have it posted it already If you Want To ~~




Re-upload to a different site

Get My Permission FIRST!!


and i didnt get asked to get put on a different site i got asked for 1 site and i gave permission but not the other one

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Depends on what site they uploaded it to, if its a decent site you can contact the moderators/siteowner and ask them to remove it. If it is a mass upload dump site then there may be nothing you can do.... :\


Good luck!

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I'm a moderator from "Confrérie des Traducteurs", i've send you a MP for resolve that problem.

Normaly, the translator has send you a MP for ask the autorisation to translate the mod and propose it on our site.


Here a link for know how "Confrérie des Traducteurs" works:



If the translator forget to ask you approval, the mod will be delete (if you want) from our website.



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