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Honest Hearts lasted about 5 - 10 minutes.


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I bought this DLC today for 9€ off of steam. First it didnt work. So i tried to update it and steam EVENTUALY updated itself and then i got to play. So okay there will be spoilers here. Anyways. The DLC was about 5 minutes maybe if not 10 i dont know.


First off my caravan gets ambushed, Then i get quests to go to zion, On my way there all of the 4 - 3 quests or something fail .. Wtf? Then it tells me " Find a map of Zion Valley " so i go find the map and then it says " Go back to Mojave Wasteland ".


So i go back to the Mojave, Apparently Credits are there and im done. I dont even .. WTF?


Burned man, People, Friendlies, More quests. What happend to that? What am i doing wrong? Can i go back to do this again? Halp! ;___;

Edited by BloXboX
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I think you accidently killed one of the tribals at the start a guy called 'Follows-Chalk' I done it myself he was hostile but you need to run towards him and he will stop shooting (this was probably a bug) and then you will start the proper quests. hes across the bridge you can recognize him because of a different outfit to the guys who ambushed you.

hope I helped

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I think you accidently killed one of the tribals at the start a guy called 'Follows-Chalk' I done it myself he was hostile but you need to run towards him and he will stop shooting (this was probably a bug) and then you will start the proper quests. hes across the bridge you can recognize him because of a different outfit to the guys who ambushed you.

hope I helped


Helped after i was done .. F'ing bethesda and obsidian man .. He was shooting at me and i was at low HP i thought he was a part of the ambush. So i killed him. Now hes dead ... No quests for me i guess :c

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I think so, try loading your save without the HonestHearts.esm ticked. save your game and then load up the game again with the .esm ticked and it should reset


Well i just disabled the esm, Then i loaded the game. Saved and everything.


Then i quit the game and enabled the esm and loaded the save. And .... Well it didnt work. The armor i looted was still in the containers etc .. Gah

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Well I thought that would work, I actually had a search around for you and most people say delete it, save your game and then re install. A lot of hassle but I guess you want to play it.



Too much hassle indeed ... Damnit man. 10 bucks for nothing. Oh well, I guess i can cheat the armor and everything using the console.

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In FOMM there is a too to edit save files.


If you uncheck it there AND uncheck the esm, you will restart it entirely.


Could you help me with this in any way?


I dont know how to do it myself manualy. And i dont wanna take a risk of messing something up.

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