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I had this happen to me once myself, but I save frequently in different slots nearly every time, (there are 1,000 slots and I've never gotten to even half that on a single character, and I can always just move the save files out of the folder anyhow to free up space) so I loaded up a save just before the ambush and ran up to follows-chalk which prompted him to put away his gun and start the quest.
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I think you accidently killed one of the tribals at the start a guy called 'Follows-Chalk' I done it myself he was hostile but you need to run towards him and he will stop shooting (this was probably a bug) and then you will start the proper quests. hes across the bridge you can recognize him because of a different outfit to the guys who ambushed you.

hope I helped


Helped after i was done .. F'ing bethesda and obsidian man .. He was shooting at me and i was at low HP i thought he was a part of the ambush. So i killed him. Now hes dead ... No quests for me i guess :c


I just downloaded it a few minutes ago for my PC. As for my Xbox, I was around 1/2hp from the gunfight (ran to the right below cliff, as the caravan was slaughtered), then went First Blood Pt. 2 on the tribals, ran across the bridge, then some A-hole throws a grenade at me, cripples my leg, then tells me he's sorry about it and wants to show me his shantytown of a village.

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Disabling and enabling the NPC might help, try that.


Search for console commands to Fallout New Vegas in your favourite search enginge (will problably get you to a certain wiki), look for enabling/disabling an NPC and then look up the NPC in the same wiki to find his ID.


Hope that helps.

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In FOMM there is a too to edit save files.

If you uncheck it there AND uncheck the esm, you will restart it entirely.

Could you help me with this in any way?

I dont know how to do it myself manualy. And i dont wanna take a risk of messing something up.

Go to the folder where you keep your Fallout New Vegas saves, copy them all and paste them in another folder someplace else, if you mess it up now, its just to place the copied saves back in the old savegame folder. TADAAA.

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Disabling and enabling the NPC might help, try that.


Search for console commands to Fallout New Vegas in your favourite search enginge (will problably get you to a certain wiki), look for enabling/disabling an NPC and then look up the NPC in the same wiki to find his ID.


Hope that helps.


Sometimes it is as simple as opening the console, clicking on the character and typing 'resurrect'. However, as to getting back in the DCL, going back to a pre-OWB numbered save seems the easiest way to restart the DCL.

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(this is only for people like me who can't resurrect bodies because you can´t find them or something)


I might have fixed the problem.

I accidentally completed the dlc the same way.

Now this how I managed to get into the dlc again.


1: use the command: "resetquest 0100ae9c". (this resets the quest Chaos in Zion, I just left this in my quest log)

2: went back into Zion and walked over the bridge where I killed Follows-Chalk.

3: since for some reason his body had disappeared (leaving the resurrect option useless) I used the command: "tfc" to into freefly mode

4: (be sure to be in 3rd person before typing the tfc command) move the camera a little, then click on your character

5: check to see if you selected your character in the top of your screen

6: use the command: "placeatme 010094d0"


This should spawn Follows-Chalk again enabling you to start his quest.

If you killed more npc's just follow the same procedure IF you need them for another quest.


Please bear in mind that I only have the honest hearts dlc, so the first 2 numbers in the consoles commands might be different (the 01 might be 02 or 03....)


I also haven't completed the dlc yet, so I'm not sure if this work 100%.

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personally I use CASM all the time, so if something like this were to happen to me, I'd have backtracked my savegames until I found one before the big oops :P


but yah, saving, unticking, loading up, saving again, quitting, re-ticking the ESM, then finally loading up should do it...

the key is the extra saving after loading up the first time.

it resets the game into thinking the ESM wasn't loaded before. otherwise your savegame being loaded will already have the data for it.

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