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Custom Hairstyles on Custom Races


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I'm not a modder... at least I don't think I am, although I have a ton of mods -- I just don't make them. But I'm fooling around with the idea of making some. Right now I'm experimenting with the CS to make minor tweaks, maybe make a new race out of an existing one by changing their stats or powers, whatever.


I downloaded Babehair because the Mystic Elf in so many screenshots showing off Exnem's body and armors had one of the Babehair styles. Trouble is, I want to use them with the Tabaxi, who don't have the hair enabled. Now I opened up the CS thinking it'd be relatively painless... Just open the mods for the Tabaxi, and Babehair, do a little drag n drop, shazam. However...


It's just not working! Initially, it didn't seem to be saving my changes. I made the Tabaxi mod active (at least, the one I use, designed for Exnem and a few other body mods), and dragged over the hairstyles, but they weren't available when I started the game.


I noticed the next time I tried, that I was getting some strange messages when I opened the data... Something along the lines of not finding certain eyes and that it was going to create duplicates...?


Finally I tried a different angle... I made the babehair mod active, and opened all the Tabaxi mods, and got FLOODED with the same errors (easily 50 or more where there were only 5 or so before). After saying yes to all of them (well half of them, then pressing the "yes to all" button in frustration), I dragged the hair over again...


When I booted up Oblivion, sucess! The hairstyles were available... except now my Tabaxi had WEIRD GOOGLY EYES AHHHH!


I'm sure I'm making some sort of newbie mistake. This seemed straightforward but it clearly isn't. I humbly ask for help.

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