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Can't figure out how to install ReShade and Stalker lights SweetFX and ENB


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As the title says I'm trying to install the mod Stalker lights SweedFX and ENB but I'm having trouble with it. The instructions on the mods nexus site tells me to install ReShade and the ENB-files from Boris Vorontsov (by extracting into the game directory at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4). Then I'm supposed to also exract the mod files into the same location. When I do this, however, and try to start the game, the ReShade loading text appears in the top left corner, and after loading for a couple of seconds it fails with about 5-7 error messages and the effect doesn't work.


I watched the video the author linked in the mod description wich tells me not to extract the ReShade framwork files into the game directory but to start the program and add Fallout 4's executable as a "profile". I also tried this, but the framework program seems to have been updated and I can't get it to work that way either.


What I would need is a step-by-step instruction on how to get this mod to work with all the latest versions or someone telling me what I'm doing wrong, since I just can't figure it out myself. I currently have no other mods installed while trying to get this to work.


Thanks in advance!

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