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Wall light connection adjustment


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Well, ran into an issue right after I solved a similiar issue working on my .nifs tonight.

Basically, while working on some wall mounted lights / braziers, I was trying to get them just a tad closer to the wall, as the geometry just has a little gap. Its not overly noticeable, but, I like to do things right.

For my hanging brazier, I was having a similiar issue, except I needed to move it down. I figured out how to do that after some time -- was a matter of adjusting the P-WS-Origin Connection and the Bounding Box (in FO4Edit) in that case. So, I assumed it would be the same for the wall lights. But of course, that wasn't working, or doing anything at all.

I tried adjusting:

  • The P-WS-Origin connection point
  • The bounding box
  • Tried adjusting where the collision mesh was at exactly (Though I could be more thorough there.)
  • the P-WS-Auto... placement? The wall snapping connection, forget the name.
  • Tried sliding the entire node over, though I figured that would be pointless (And it was.)


So, anyone know what the heck I am missing or doing wrong? Did I some how adjust the right value with no effect? Any help is appreciated, as always. If I figure it out I will update this, but I am done for tonight. Thanks all!

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