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Tag Clouds


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With Skyrim coming up I think we'll see the modding truly explode this time around. It's going to become even harder to sift through all the mods for what you want. Considering that I think the Nexus sites are going to need to finally put in full blown user submitted tags and a tag cloud. For people who haven't seen these before the concept is simple:


1) You pick a mod and apply any tags you want to it. You can label it "anime gun" or "real gun" or whatever you think describes it.

2) Other users apply their own tags and if enough people use the same tag then that becomes a listed tag for the mod.

3) Each mod has it's own tag cloud where the more popular tags are shown.

4) Tag search essentially becomes entering a tag or picking it out of a large tag cloud and then all the mods with that tag are listed. Mods tagged X more often will be listed first.


For a further explanation of tag clouds here's a wiki link: Tag Cloud

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