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Damn Bug Problem.


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Methredhel got the diary before me so I decided to wait until she went to bed to steal it from her, the problem is... She never returned! I've no idea where she is.

I can't use ~ player.additem either because I get the error:


Script 'SysWindowCompileAndRun', line 1 etc...


I've done some googling and it seems to be because Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul changes item ID numbers but I'm not sure, I've tried finding the ID number with the TES construction kit but I've no clue. Non of the other commands work either. :(


What can I do? I'm screwed unless I can get this fixed.

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Try using the command to make her appear near you. Go inside her house and summon her.


Command: Player.PlaceAtMe FormID, #, Distance, Direction

Usage: Player.PlaceAtMe 0001E5EF 1, 128, 0


Places # number of NPC, Item, Creature, or what have you near the player.

Distance: Distance from Player

Direction: Location in reference to player, the codes for this are: 0 = front, 1 = back, 2 = left, 3 = right


Methredhel = 00034E99


Hope it works for you.

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