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Fixing a missing quest - Spoils of War.


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Hello everyone, I could use some help.


I am trying to fix a missing quest that has vanished from my log, likely from my own doing trying to fix Proctor Ingrams broken dialogue glitch. I've been trying on and off for months now to try and fix this with no solution, now I come to you guys asking for a favour.


I believe I may have found a solution here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/492378265889931262/#p1


Bump. This is what i found in other thread "Turns out the reason why setstage doesn't work after resetting the quest is because "Tactical Thinking" is flagged to only run once in the game files"



As Some said, the issue is that Tactical Thinking is flagged to run only once. So here is a guide on how to make a mod to change that.

This is a guide for those people that can't load a previous save. This may seem intimidating, but it's actually relatively easy. Feel free to pm me if you want me to walk you through it.
1. Google Fo4Edit, download and extract.
2. Rename TES5Edit to Fo4Edit. Open the Fo4edit app now.
3. Find Quest, then find 107a1c.
4. Right click on 107a1c, and then click "Copy as Override to". Say yes to the warning.
5. Select new file, name it to whatever you want. Hit yes to continue.
6. Right hand side should be highlighted a light green with two columns, one for the original game files and one for the mod that you are creating. Find DNAM-General, there should be a flag for Run Once. For the mod that you named, right click and hit edit. Uncheck Run Once. Hit OK.
7. Ctrl+s to save it. Make sure the box is checked and hit Ok.
8. Make sure that at the bottom of messages page that you are brought to, the bottom confirms that it has saved.
9. ESP file should be generated. I personally used Nexusmods and enabled my mod there.
10. Done. Resetquest, and setstage 10 and the quest should be good to go.

I've only tested this for Tactical thinking. Other quests may have different flags set up, so this fix may not work.





I tried doing this but I am clueless when it comes to modding. Step 3 being a main issue, as I am looking for the quest ID 000fdc8c / BoS303 and not 107a1c (which is for Tactical Thinking). I'm concerned I'm going to break something here; now I have come for aid. What I'm looking for is if someone could make a small file to add Spoils of War back into the game quest log for me (or, the ability to re-enable it myself through commands), or showing me how to do it myself.


Heck, the ability to just talk to Proctor Ingram to renable the quest perhaps? As I still have Mass Fusion still in my logs, but trying to talk to Proctor Ingram to inform her yields no results.


Hope to hear some responses for my dilemma.



Edited by crazyman456
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