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Build-Yer-Own-Settlement Mod?


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I know Real Time Settler (RTS) is both very detailed and well regarded, but it is too heavy-duty for my liking. IMO, kind of like running 'SimCity' when you're one of the 'Sims', if you get my meaning. Realize this is a very tall order, but I would like to see a smaller settlement mod.


Basically, the sort of mod where you just park it someplace (a caravan of refugess, maybe?), and it will develop more or less on its own. The LW can choose to provide cash or do a few mini-Quests in order to help things along.


Got 'Tec-Vault', which includes this lovely walled-off area for building a settlement (intended by the modder for RTS), but would be nice to be able to put something there. I'm more of a 'Explore, Find and Kill' player, but am not adverse to a little Empire-building - if only somebody else could handle all the paperwork. ;)

Edited by 7thsealord
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