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Why Won't my npc's go through doors? Follow package.


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I've got 3 npcs who act as guards on patrol around an estate I'm building. The travel packages work but for some reason I can't get two of my guards to go through doors(the other one has no doors on his path). They walk from their start location just fine but once they get to a door they turn around and walk back and then once they get back to the start position they turn around and try again only to be turned around once they hit a door. I can't for the life of me figure out why. The doors aren't checked for minimal use only and the pathing looks ok I think. They were both set under their contingencies to go at least a 100 units. I'm out of ideas and I get the feeling this is a simple fix,



HELP me please!

Thanks for reading.

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They have to have a specific AI package to inside that building. Because when their AI Package tells them to patrol, it means to patrol that Cell/Region for that variable distance you set. Just add one more NPC and make him set to patrol the INSIDE of the cell, not the exterior and you won't have to worry about fixing the other 3's packages.
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They have to have a specific AI package to inside that building. Because when their AI Package tells them to patrol, it means to patrol that Cell/Region for that variable distance you set. Just add one more NPC and make him set to patrol the INSIDE of the cell, not the exterior and you won't have to worry about fixing the other 3's packages.

That's helpfull for the future but for right now I don't have any interior cells, I just have them teleporting from a door on a castle wall to a trapdoor on top of a tower right next to it. so it's in the same cell and very close by but it's broken up by a couple doors. I assume I still have the same problem?

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