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GTX 460 hates this game


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My system is as follows:

6gb of corsair 1600 ram

gtx 460 1gb

amd x2 840 quad 3.2ghz (soon to be a amd x4 phenom 6 black 1090t)

700watt PSU

gigabyte 770T mobo


I have no idea what is wrong, but in fallout new vegas and new vegas alone my gpu I have noticed will never use 100%. At first I thought thats great because it is taking this game like a champ on ultra. Then I realized what it is really doing is underclocking itself by about 300mhz. So essentially going from a core clock of 700 to 405. I have no idea why. I play BFBC2 and crysis2 all maxed and it has no no problems but fallout it seems to hate. I don't notice this with fallout 3 only new vegas.


So what ends up happening is the game runs nicely about 30% of the time then decides it wants to have a random and frequent drop in fps. I have tried all mods to fix and none have made a significant improvement. For example a place I always find this problem is when I am in the underground hideout mod by DantheGeek for no reason if facing West in the hideout it drops fps to 23, from 60, and keeps it there until I look somewhere else. Same with when I look into the fish tank, except in that case its not such a large drop.


I have completely reinstalled my drivers for the card and nothing has fixed it or improved it. Should I RMA this? I'm really disapointed to say the least.


BTW I had considered that it could be cpu bottle-necking but after playing so many hours in far more intensive games and getting no problems even when maxed in the graphics I can only blame the GPU..


A google search reveals I am not alone in this but there is no known fix I can find until nVidia decides too. So again should I RMA or just ditch the 460 altogether. I was considering replacing it with a radeon 6870.

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  • 9 months later...

Hey I have a GTX460SC too, and my game only uses 20% idling, and 30% in bigger scenes! I have also noticed some disturbing issues....


When firing fully automatic (any weapon even vanilla), my games stutters. BAD. My GPU usage DROPS to around 5% percent, even 0%!

I've tried adjusting the sound cache, limit (number of sounds), decal limit, everything! (Firing into air=no particle)

It's obviously the engine not getting the data to the GPU in time for it to process, so usage GPU goes to plttt...

I'm going to try and OC my Q9400 CPU to see if that gets it there any faster.


I've already fiddled with Nvidia's maximum pre-rendered frames bit, and Vsync as well as iFPSclamp. Nothing MAKES SENSE ANYMORE!


System Specs:

CPU - Q9400 @ 2.66ghz ea. (stock)


MB - Nforce650i MSI Platinum

HDD - SATA II blabla not raid or SSD

SFX - integrated craptastic

OS - Windows 8 Consumer Preview

DLL - Nvidia WHQL 296.17

PSU - 1000W $200 something Xmas gift

M/F - F please

Edited by micnorian14
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Holy crap! I figured it out! Read carefully if you have any inventory sorter mods (eg - included in Project Nevada)


Its the inventory sorter included in Project Nevada that was killing my game! The re-naming script has to rename EVERY shell casing you pickup when firing fully auto, causing script after script to run, taking the overhead the engine uses for really everything else!






I tested this with several friends PC's and the same is always true! While using something like CALIBR, CASE, or Caliber; the inventory sorter would make the game unbearable when firing any gun fully automatic! GPU usage on GTX260's, 460's, HD6950's every one of them would drop down to near 0% GPU usage! CPU would go up some, and for a little while after to catch-up with the new items to be re-named. Found this one out with deductive reasoning. Man I'm good. Gotta submit this to the PN team! FWE might also have this problem....meh.


some google tags

fully auto stutter lag gpu cpu fallout new vegas fnv excelsior help thrashing suicide lol jk script overhead automatic fire

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