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Default Automatron Chassis?


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Is there any way to change the default chassis when you build an Automatron? I'm replacing all my provisioners with Mr Handys, and am getting tired of constantly having to switch out all the parts, not to mention ending up with all these Protectron parts that I can never use, but cant scrap to recover some components...


actually, it'd be great if there was some way to save a build as a template and just have the Robot Workbench build a new copy.

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Yeah, I switched to that Assaultron one on my last playthrough. Still not perfect, but it beats making a pro-jerk-tron. I use them as my provisioners and you don't even have to change them - just give 'em some armor.


I also use THIS MOD and highly recommend it. You can use the parts on the vanilla assualtrons as well (they have much better/prettier armor). Thus, if you use the above one, you default build assaultrons, and then can slap some sick armor on them.


With Robot Home Defense you can build vanilla Mr.Handys, without the Automatron stuff, if thats all you want (I hear good things, but I can't use it because it conflicts with something else I use).

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